Here is an update on recent en banc activity at the Federal Circuit in patent cases. In short, it was another light week at the court, with the court denying two petitions in related pro se cases. Here are the details.
Recent En Banc Activity
Here is an update on recent en banc activity at the Federal Circuit in patent cases. The court received two pro se petitions. Additionally, the court denied a petition concerning post-institution discovery rulings by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board related to real-parties-in-interest disputes. Here are the details.
Opinions & Orders – May 7, 2021
This morning, the Federal Circuit issued a nonprecedential opinion in a case appealed from the Merit Systems Protection Board, two nonprecedential opinions in pro se patent cases, and a nonprecedential opinion in a taking cases. The court also issued an erratum and a Rule 36 summary affirmance. Here are the introductions to the opinions and links to the erratum and summary affirmance.
Recent Scholarship Related to the Federal Circuit
This month we highlight three papers exploring research related to the Federal Circuit.
- Eligible Subject Matter at the Patent Office: An Empirical Study of the Influence of Alice on Patent Examiners and Patent Applicants by Professors Jay P. Kesan and Runhua Wang
- Law, Fact, and Patent Validity by Professor Paul R. Gugliuzza
- Year in Review: The Federal Circuit’s 2019 Government Contract Law Decisions by Nathaniel Castellano
Recent Supreme Court Activity
Here is an update on recent activity at the Supreme Court in cases decided by the Federal Circuit. In granted cases, the Court postponed one oral argument. In petitions cases, one new petition was filed in a patent case presenting questions related to retroactive application of inter partes review and waiver with respect to an Appointments Clause challenge. Two responses in opposition to petitions were filed in patent cases raising questions related to the written description requirement and standing to appeal in inter partes review proceedings. There was one new reply brief filed in a veterans case concerning attorneys fees. And several amicus briefs were filed in three cases. Here are the details.
Recent News on the Federal Circuit
Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to hear a case challenging the retroactive application of inter partes reviews, a Federal Circuit decision on reprisal claims under the Whistleblower Protection Act, a lawsuit brought by Boeing to protect data in federal contracts, and a Federal Circuit decision allowing attorney fees following a settlement between parties.
Recent News on the Federal Circuit
Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report covers a comment on a Federal Circuit decision regarding standing for cross-appeals of adverse decisions in inter partes review proceedings, an article on the Federal Circuit’s ruling that recovery of salary costs associated with lobbying activities are unallowable in government contracts cases, and a notice from the USPTO of an update to the 2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance.
Today’s Opinions – October 18, 2019
Today the Federal Circuit issued one precedential opinion in a government contracts case and one nonprecedential opinion in a patent case. Here are the introductions to the opinions.
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