Featured / Federal Circuit Announcement

Federal Circuit Releases Materials Related to Its Investigation of Judge Newman

This morning the Federal Circuit announced that it has released materials in its investigation related to Judge Newman. Most notably, the materials include a report and recommendation of the special committee unanimously recommending “a further one-year sanction during which Judge Newman will not be permitted to hear cases at the panel or en banc level, subject to renewal if the refusal to cooperate found here continues after that time and subject to modification or rescission if Judge Newman alters her conduct and begins to cooperate with the Committee.” Here is the full text of today’s announcement with links to the released material.

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Featured / Supreme Court Activity

Breaking News – Supreme Court Upholds the Constitutionality of the Lanham Act’s Names Clause

Today the Supreme Court reversed the Federal Circuit’s holding in Vidal v. Elster, a trademark case. The Federal Circuit had concluded that the Lanham Act’s prohibition on registering marks that consist of or comprise a name identifying a particular living individual without that person’s consent violates the First Amendment. The Supreme Court disagreed. In an opinion authored by Justice Thomas, the Court decided that history and tradition establish that the provision in question does not violate the First Amendment. Here is the introduction and conclusion of majority opinion. Next week we plan to post a full opinion summary.

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Featured / Supreme Court Activity

Opinion Summary – Harrow v. Department of Defense

As we previously reported, last week the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Harrow v. Department of Defense. In this case, the Supreme Court reviewed a judgment of the Federal Circuit in a case originally decided by the Merit Systems Protection Board. The Federal Circuit had held that the 60-day statutory deadline for Harrow to file his petition for review in the Federal Circuit is a “jurisdictional requirement” and therefore “precludes equitable exceptions.” The Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision authored by Justice Kagan, vacated and remanded the judgment of the Federal Circuit. The Court held that the 60-day deadline is not a jurisdictional requirement and therefore does not preclude equitable exceptions. This is our opinion summary.

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En Banc Activity / Featured / Opinions

Breaking News – Federal Circuit Overrules Its Precedent, Modifies Test for Nonobviousness of Design Patents

Today the Federal Circuit issued an en banc opinion in LKQ Corporation v. GM Global Technology Operations LLC, a design patent case. In the opinion, the en banc court overruled the long-standing Rosen-Durling test used to assess the nonobviousness of design patents. The court decided to apply “the same conditions for patentability that apply to utility patents.” Notably, Judge Lourie concurred in the judgment, suggesting it was unnecessary to overrule Rosen and Durling. Here is the introduction to the majority opinion. We will post an opinion summary later this week.

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Featured / Federal Circuit Announcement

Federal Circuit Announces Judge Linn Receives American Inns of Court Professionalism Award

This morning the Federal Circuit announced that Judge Richard Linn received the American Inns of Court Professionalism Award. Here is the full text of today’s announcement.

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Featured / Supreme Court Activity

Breaking News – Supreme Court Determines Deadline to Appeal Judgment of the Merit Systems Protection Board is Not Jurisdictional

This morning the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Harrow v. Department of Defense, one of two cases decided by the Federal Circuit that the Supreme Court is reviewing during its current term. In this case, the Court reviewed the Federal Circuit’s holding that the deadline for a federal employee to appeal an adverse judgment of the Merit Systems Protection Board is jurisdictional. Vacating the judgment of the Federal Circuit, the Supreme Court today held that the deadline is not jurisdictional. The Court, however, did not reach the question of whether, as a result, equitable tolling is available, instead remanding the case for the Federal Circuit to rule on that issue. Here is the introduction to the Court’s opinion. We will provide an opinion summary next week.

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Featured / News

Breaking News – District Court Denies Preliminary Injunction and Dismisses All But Three Claims in Judge Newman’s Case Challenging Her Suspension

Today, Judge Christopher R. Cooper of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued a memorandum opinion and order in Judge Newman’s lawsuit, which asserts facial and as-applied constitutional challenges to the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act and the statutory provision creating circuit judicial councils. The opinion and order denies Judge Newman’s motion for a preliminary injunction that would have “prohibit[ed] Defendants from continuing her suspension from new case assignments and from proceeding with any further disciplinary proceedings until the matter is transferred to the judicial council of another circuit.” The opinion and order also grants the defendants’ motion to dismiss all but three of Judge Newman’s claims based on lack of jurisdiction and failure to state a claim. Here is the introduction to the opinion and order.

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Featured / Federal Circuit Announcement

Breaking News – Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability Denies Judge Newman’s Petition for Review

This morning the Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability of the Judicial Conference of the United States released a memorandum of decision unanimously denying a petition filed by Judge Newman. That petition asked the Committee to review the order of the Federal Circuit’s Judicial Council that suspended Judge Newman for the period of at least one year. Today’s memorandum includes the following findings:

  • “We find that the Chief Circuit Judge and the Federal Circuit Judicial Council did not abuse their discretion by declining to request a transfer”;
  • “we find no error in the Judicial Council’s conclusion that, based on the evidence gathered by the Special Committee, there was a reasonable basis for requesting that Judge Newman undergo a medical evaluation;” and
  • “[w]e find that the sanction is consistent with sanctions imposed in a variety of contexts under the Act, and a one-year suspension of cases is not grossly in excess of other suspensions imposed under the [Judicial Conduct and Disability] Act.”

Here is the introduction and a link to the memorandum.

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Featured / Supreme Court Activity

Supreme Court Grants Review in Merit Systems Protection Board Case

Last week, the Supreme Court granted petition for certiorari in Harrow v. Department of Defense. In this case, the petitioner asked the Court to consider whether the deadline to file a petition for the Federal Circuit to review a decision of the Merit Systems Protection Board is jurisdictional. This matters because, as it stands, the Federal Circuit has concluded that the deadline is jurisdictional and, as a result, not subject to equitable tolling. Here are the details.

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Featured / Federal Circuit Announcement

Federal Circuit Announces New Rules, Court Forms, Guide, and Fee Schedule

This morning the Federal Circuit announced that amendments to the Federal Circuit Rules go into effect today. As part of implementing various changes, the court updated its rules, forms, guides, and fee schedule. Here is the text of today’s announcement and links to various related documents.

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