
Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article about the Supreme Court’s denial of a petition “to review a February ruling . . . that held claims of ChromaDex, Inc.’s patent on an isolated form of vitamin B3 are directed to unpatentable subject matter under Section 101”;
  • an article discussing how the Federal Circuit “vacated a $4.6 million award for lost profits” in a patent case; and
  • an article highlighting a recent “fight over words” at the Federal Circuit in another patent case.
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Opinions & Orders – October 18, 2023

This morning, the Federal Circuit released one precedential opinion, two nonprecedential opinions, and six nonprecedential orders. The precedential opinion, which earned a dissent from Judge Reyna, addresses an appeal of a judgment of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board cancelling registration of a trademark. One of the nonprecedential opinions addresses an appeal from a judgment of noninfringement of a patent by a district court, while the other addresses an appeal from a judgment of a district court dismissing a patent infringement claim due to claim preclusion. Two of the orders transfer cases, one denies a motion for writs of mandamus for various relief, and three dismiss appeals. Here are the introductions to the opinions, selected text from orders, and links to the dismissals.

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Opinions & Orders – September 6, 2023

Today, the Federal Circuit released a nonprecedential opinion in a patent case. The opinion addresses an appeal from a Patent Trial and Appeal Board holding that claims are anticipated and obvious in light of the prior art. Here is the introduction to the opinion.

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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • commentary on the swearing in of new Federal Circuit Judge Tiffany P. Cunningham;
  • discussion of a recent precedential Federal Circuit opinion applying the limitation on patent damages found in 35 U.S.C. § 287(a); and
  • an article discussing the Federal Circuit’s determination that appointments to the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board do not violate the Appointments Clause.
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Opinions & Orders – August 24, 2021

This morning the Federal Circuit issued a precedential opinion in a patent case appealed from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Here is the introduction to the opinion.

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