Petitions / Supreme Court Activity

Recent Supreme Court Activity

Here is an update on recent activity at the Supreme Court in cases decided by the Federal Circuit.

Here are the details.

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Opinions & Orders – March 25, 2021

This morning, the Federal Circuit issued a precedential opinion in a patent case addressing patent eligibility and a precedential opinion in a veterans case involving a denial of duplicative educational benefits. Additionally, the court issued a nonprecedential opinion in a patent case. Here are the introductions to the opinions.

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Federal Circuit Announcement

Federal Circuit Extends Access Restrictions to the Federal Courts Building

This morning, the Federal Circuit and the Court of Federal Claims issued a joint order extending limitations on access to the Federal Courts Building through April 30, 2021. The Federal Circuit also issued a notice with additional information related to the order. Here is the text from the court’s notice.

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Opinions & Orders – March 24, 2021

This morning, the Federal Circuit issued a nonprecedential opinion in a vaccine case affirming the denial for a petition of compensation under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The court also issued a nonprecedential opinion in a patent case appealed from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Here are the introductions to the opinions.

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En Banc Activity

Recent En Banc Activity

Here is an update on recent en banc activity in patent cases at the Federal Circuit. The court received a new petition raising questions related to intervening rights, willfulness, and unclean hands, and the court invited a response to a petition raising questions related to claim construction and the doctrine of equivalents. Here are the details.  

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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here’s the latest.

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Opinions & Orders – March 23, 2021

This morning, the Federal Circuit issued one nonprecedential opinion in a case appealed from the Merit Systems Protection Board and one nonprecedential opinion in a veterans case. The court also issued one nonprecedential order denying a petition for a writ of mandamus to reverse a transfer order by the Western District of Texas. Here are the introductions to the opinions and text from the order.

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Opinions & Orders – March 22, 2021

This morning, the Federal Circuit issued a precedential opinion in a tax case involving a penalty levied due to alleged noncompliance with the Bank Secrecy Act and a nonprecedential opinion in a patent case affirming a district court’s award of attorney’s fees and double costs. The Federal Circuit also issued a Rule 36 judgment. Here are the introductions of the opinions and a link to the Rule 36 judgment.

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Panel Activity

Update on Important Panel Activity

Here is this month’s update on activity in cases pending before panels of the Federal Circuit where the cases involve at least one amicus brief. We keep track of these cases in the “Other Cases” section of our blog. Today, with respect to these cases we highlight two dispositions, one new case with an amicus brief, one case with new briefing, one case update, three recent oral arguments, and two upcoming oral arguments. Here are the details.

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Opinions & Orders – March 19, 2021

This morning, the Federal Circuit issued a nonprecedential order in a patent case denying a petition for a writ of mandamus to order the Western District of Texas to stay all deadlines unrelated to venue until the district court rules on a pending motion to dismiss or transfer. Here is text from the order.

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