
Opinions & Orders – July 14, 2021

This morning the Federal Circuit issued two precedential opinions, both affirming lower court decisions finding a lack of jurisdiction, one by the Court of Federal Claims and one by the Court of International Trade. Additionally, the Federal Circuit issued five nonprecedential opinions, one in a case appealed from the Merit Systems Protection Board, three in patent cases appealed from district courts, and one in a veteran case appealed from the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Here are the introductions to the opinions.

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Opinions & Orders – July 13, 2021

This morning the Federal Circuit issued two precedential opinions, one addressing pleading requirements in a patent infringement case and the other reversing a judgment of the United States Court of International Trade over a dissent by Judge Reyna. Additionally, the court issued four nonprecedential opinions in two patent cases and two cases dismissed by the Court of Federal Claims for lack of jurisdiction. The court also issued a nonprecedential order denying a petition for a writ of mandamus to order the Western District of Texas to transfer a patent case. Here are the introductions to the opinions and the order.

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Opinions & Orders – July 12, 2021

This morning the Federal Circuit issued two nonprecedential Rule 36 judgments. One affirmed an appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, while the other affirmed an appeal from the International Trade Commission. Here are links to the Rule 36 judgments.

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Opinions & Orders – July 9, 2021

This morning the Federal Circuit issued a nonprecedential opinion affirming a decision by the Merit Systems Protection Board to dismiss a claim based on laches. The court also issued two Rule 36 judgments. Here is the introduction to the opinion and the links to the Rule 36 judgments.

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Opinions & Orders – July 8, 2021

This morning the Federal Circuit issued a precedential opinion in a veterans case addressing GI Bill education benefits. The court also issued a nonprecedential order in a patent infringement case granting a petition for a writ of mandamus ordering the Western District of Texas to transfer the case to the Northern District of California. Finally, the court released a Rule 36 judgment. Here are the introductions to the opinion and order and a link to the Rule 36 judgment.

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Opinions & Orders – July 7, 2021

This morning the Federal Circuit issued a nonprecedential opinion in a patent case, a nonprecedential opinion in a veterans case, and another nonprecedential opinion affirming a decision by the United States Court of Federal Claims about subject-matter jurisdiction. Here are the introductions to the opinions.

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Opinions & Orders – July 6, 2021

The Federal Circuit did not release any opinions or orders on its website this morning.

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Opinions & Orders – July 5, 2021

In observance of Independence Day, the Federal Circuit is closed and will not issue any opinions today. Happy 4th of July!

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Opinions / Supreme Court Activity

Opinion Summary – Minerva Surgical, Inc. v. Hologic, Inc.

This past Tuesday, June 29, the Supreme Court decided Minerva Surgical, Inc. v. Hologic, Inc. In a five to four opinion, the Court upheld the doctrine of assignor estoppel but found that the Federal Circuit “failed to recognize the doctrine’s proper limits.” Justice Kagan authored the majority opinion, joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Breyer, Kavanaugh, and Sotomayor. Justice Alito filed a dissenting opinion, as did Justice Barrett, who was joined by Justices Gorsuch and Thomas. Here is our summary of the Court’s opinions.

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Opinions & Orders – July 2, 2021

This morning the Federal Circuit issued a precedential opinion in an appeal from a decision of the Merit Systems Protection Board. Here is the introduction to the opinion.

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