
Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • a blog post discussing the Federal Circuit’s recent decision in a patent case addressing the written description requirement and ownership of patents;
  • another blog post explaining how the Federal Circuit recently reversed a district court’s determination that it lacked jurisdiction to address a challenge to the USPTO Director’s decision to vacate ex parte reexaminations based on estoppel; and
  • an article assessing the Federal Circuit’s recent determination that “claims of a patent relating to methods for treating acne are invalid because they would be obvious to someone skilled in the field.”
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article discussing how “[a] bipartisan group of five U.S. senators have introduced a bill to amend Chapter 28 of Title 35 of the U.S. Code to include language that would combat corrupt Chinese Courts from issuing ‘anti-suit injunctions’”;
  • an article reporting on an “exclusive interview with [Judge Kathleen] O’Malley on a video call during her final week on the court”; and
  • another article analyzing a recent grant of a writ of mandamus against the Western District of Texas in a patent case.
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • a blog post discussing how, in a patent case addressing venue, “the Federal Circuit delved into franchise law — holding that independently owned and operated VW/Hyundai car dealerships located in the W.D. Texas do not count as a ‘place of business’ of the car distributors”; and
  • an article analyzing how the Federal Circuit recently “affirm[ed] decisions by [the] International Trade Commission [and] patent board” in cases involving computer-chip patents.
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article discussing how the Federal Circuit “affirmed the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC)’s determination that [a] civil penalty . . . did not require modification or rescission following the subsequent invalidation of the asserted [patent] claims”;
  • another article explaining how “[t]he Federal Circuit upheld an administrative patent tribunal’s decision invalidating some parts of a patent related to infrastructure for hydraulic fracking”;
  • yet another an article assessing the “impact of [the Federal Circuit’s] TRUMP trademark ruling”; and
  • an last article detailing how “[t]he federal court in Delaware has instituted revised procedures to reassign Judge Leonard P. Stark’s busy caseload as he gets ready to join the Federal Circuit.”
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article “navigating a decade of the America Invents Act;” and
  • a blog post discussing how the “Federal Circuit [held] that the PTO violated the First Amendment by denying registration to TRUMP TOO SMALL.”
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • a blog post discussing how the “Federal Circuit sidestep[ed] [the] determination of generics’ skinny label as protection against induced [patent] infringement”;
  • an article detailing how the “Federal Circuit h[eld] that a price ‘quotation’ can trigger [patent law’s] on-sale bar”; and
  • another article analyzing how “Disney convince[d] [the] Fed. Circ. to reject [the] ‘Teen Tinker Bell’ trademark.”
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article analyzing Judge Stark’s 2018 ruling as a district judge in an important patent eligibility case and how it might portend his analysis of patent eligibility as a judge on the Federal Circuit; and
  • a blog post and an article discussing how the Federal Circuit recently addressed estoppel as a result of inter partes review.
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article announcing the release of a report on “the developments shaping patent law”;
  • another article discussing how the Federal Circuit recently affirmed a “district court finding that dual-access lock patents are invalid” as ineligible; and
  • yet another article focused on a recent Federal Circuit ruling in a contract dispute.
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article discussing how the “Federal Circuit h[eld] [that a] pre-critical date letter is [a] [c]ommercial offer for sale, triggering on-sale bar”;
  • a blog post asserting that the “Federal Circuit needs to clarify that CalTech Estoppel applies only to claims challenged via [inter partes review]”;
  • an article noting how “in-person arguments return to D.C.’s Federal Circuit as Omicron fades”; and
  • another article announcing the “2022 IP Outlook Report: the developments shaping trademark law.”
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Recent News on the Federal Circuit

Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article discussing how “[t]he U.S. Senate confirmed Judge Leonard Stark to the Federal Circuit, the nation’s top patent court”;
  • another article similarly discussing how “Judge Leonard Philip Stark was confirmed by the U.S. Senate yesterday to be the next judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, replacing Judge Kathleen O’Malley”;
  • an article discussing how “Teva struck out . . . in its effort to convince a U.S. appeals court to rehear its arguments for undoing a $235 million verdict for GlaxoSmithKline”; and
  • yet another article explaining how recently the “Federal Circuit [effectively] clamp[ed] down on post IPR invalidity arguments.”
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