This evening the Federal Circuit announced that it will reopen tomorrow and hold proceedings in person. Here is the full text of today’s announcement.
Federal Circuit Announces Closure and Partial Remote Videoconferencing for Tuesday, January 7
This morning the Federal Circuit announced that it will be closed to the public today, January 7, due to inclement weather. It also announced that it will conduct one of two proceedings by remote videoconferencing only, while the other proceeding will occur in person. Here is the full text of today’s announcement.
Federal Circuit Announces Closure and Remote Videoconferencing for Panels to be Held Monday, January 6
This evening the Federal Circuit announced that it will be closed tomorrow, January 6, due to inclement weather and that it will conduct tomorrow’s proceedings by remote videoconferencing. Here is the full text of today’s announcement.
Federal Circuit Announces Closure on January 9 in Observance of the National Day of Mourning for President Carter
The Federal Circuit announced today that it will be closed and not hold oral arguments previously scheduled for Thursday, January 9 in observance of the National Day of Mourning for President Carter. Here is the full text of the announcement.
Federal Circuit Announces New Rules, Court Forms, Guide, and Fee Schedule
The Federal Circuit today announced that the most recent amendments to the Federal Circuit’s Rules of Practice go into effect today. The court also provided links to updated rules, forms, and guides. Here is the full text of today’s announcement.
Federal Circuit Advises Attorneys Concerning Fake Notices of Electronic Filing and Docket Activity
Yesterday the Federal Circuit released an announcement advising the public regarding fake notices of electronic filing and docket activity being sent to attorneys and law firms. Here is the full text of the announcement.
Federal Circuit Announces Adoption of Amendments to the Federal Circuit Rules of Practice
Following the court’s September announcement of proposed amendments to the Federal Circuit Rules of Practice, today the Federal Circuit announced that the court “adopted amendments to Federal Circuit Rules of Practice 21, 27, 30, 32, 35, and 40; Practice Notes to Rules 15, 28, 30, 35 and 40; and Federal Circuit Attorney Discipline Rules Introduction and Rule 5.” As we discussed in September, among other things the court is adding a practice note highlighting how it “prefers that reply briefs respond to the response brief rather than repeating what is in the principal brief” and “favors reply briefs that do not use the full word length when not necessary.” It also is adding a new requirement regarding the table of contents for appendices, requiring the table of contents to identify how the relevant document was designated in the reviewing tribunal (such as the docket or other record number). Here is the full text of today’s announcement with links to, among other things, a summary of the adopted amendments.
Federal Circuit Announces February 2025 Session for Central North Carolina
On the heels of its recent announcement about the formation of an Intellectual Property Inn of Court located in Charlotte, the Federal Circuit today announced the court “intends to sit in and around Central North Carolina as part of its February 2025 session.” Panels of the court will hear arguments at the University of North Carolina School of Law, Duke University School of Law, and North Carolina Central University School of Law. Here is the full text of today’s announcement.
Federal Circuit Provides Information Related to Court Access Beginning October 28
Yesterday, the Federal Circuit announced that security fencing will be installed around the National Courts Building and surrounding area but that access to the court will still be available. Here is the full text of the announcement.
Federal Circuit Announces IP-Focused Inn of Court in Charlotte Named after Judge Stoll
Yesterday the Federal Circuit announced that the American Inn of Court focused on intellectual property law in Charlotte, North Carolina held a naming ceremony honoring Judge Stoll at its first inaugural meeting on Thursday, September 26. The announcement noted that Chief Judge Moore, Judge Prost, and Judge Cunningham attended the ceremony. Here is the full text of yesterday’s announcement.