
This morning the Federal Circuit released two nonprecedential opinions. The first comes in a case appealed from the Court of Federal Claims; the second comes in a case appealed from the Merit Systems Protection Board. The Federal Circuit also released two Rule 36 judgments. Here are the introductions to the opinions and links to the Rule 36 judgments.

Ogburn v. United States (Nonprecedential)

Launa Golddeen Ogburn appeals a decision of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims dismissing her complaint for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction. We affirm.

Ferrell v. Department of Housing and Urban Development (Nonprecedential)

Michelle A. Ferrell seeks review of the final decision of the Merit Systems Protection Board (Board or MSPB) denying her request for corrective action under the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 (WPA) and the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 (WPEA). Ferrell v. Dep’t of Hous. & Urb. Dev., No. DA-1221-21-0228- W-1, 2021 WL 6107603 (M.S.P.B. Dec. 20, 2021) (Board Decision) (SAppx. 7-50). For the reasons set forth below, we affirm the Board’s final decision.

Rule 36 Judgments