
Here is a report on recent news and commentary related to the Federal Circuit and its cases. Today’s report highlights:

  • an article discussing “[t]he US’s biggest patent stories of 2021”;
  • another article detailing “the top patent eligibility stories of 2021”; and
  • yet another article explaining how “[c]ourts [are] taking extra measures to limit virus spread.”

Angela Morris published an article for IAM highlighting “[t]he US’s biggest patent stories of 2021.” More specifically, in relation to Judge Albright “attracting patent plaintiffs like a magnet,” Morris discussed how “in 2021 a counter-trend emerged: defendants discovered they could win mandamus relief from the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to force Albright to transfer their cases to more convenient venues.”

Anthony Fuga filed an article with JD Supra breaking down “the top patent eligibility stories of 2021.” Fuga noted that, in particular, “[t]his year felt normal from a §101 perspective.” He went on to explain that “[t]he U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit invalidated patents directed to data privacy, customer loyalty systems, credit card fraud, transmitting and storing data, and retailer finder fees.”

Nate Raymond authored an article for Reuters explaining how “[c]ourts [are] taking extra measures to limit virus spread.” Raymond explained how some federal courts, including the Federal Circuit, “are imposing new vaccine and masking requirements or reducing in-person court proceedings and trials in January in response to a rising number of COVID-19 infections and the fast-spreading Omicron variant.”