
This morning the Federal Circuit released four nonprecedential opinions, one in a patent case appealed from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board and three in pro se cases, two appealed from the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and one appealed from the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Here are the introductions to the opinions.

Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, LLC v. Hirshfeld

Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, LLC (Baker), appeals a Patent Trial and Appeal Board final written decision finding claims 1 and 7–23 of U.S. Patent No. 9,080,439 were anticipated and holding claims 1–23 would have been obvious. Innovex Downhole Sols., Inc. v. Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations, LLC, No. IPR2019-00158, 2020 WL 1862460 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 13, 2020) (Board Decision). We affirm-in-part, vacate-in-part, and remand for further proceedings.

Somohano v. Coca-Cola Co.

On October 29, 2015, Appellee The Coca-Cola Company filed a Notice of Opposition in the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, opposing an application by Appellant Alberto Solar Somohano and co-applicant WHO to register the trademark “COLA DE COKI” on the Principal Register. J.A. 49–60; U.S. Trademark Appl. Serial No. 86/633,923. On July 10, 2019, the Board dismissed the Opposition after noting that Appellant’s application was abandoned and that the deadline to revive the application had expired. The Coca-Cola Co. v. WHO & Alberto Somohano-Soler, Opp. No. 91224621, 2019 WL 3061382, at *1 (T.T.A.B. July 10, 2019) [J.A. 1]. Appellants challenge the dismissal.

Somohano v. Coca-Cola Co.

Appellant Alberto Solar Somohano challenges a decision by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board granting Appellee The Coca-Cola Company’s unopposed motion to dismiss. For the following reasons, we affirm.

Proceviat v. McDonough

Richard A. Proceviat appeals an order of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims dismissing in part and denying in part Mr. Proceviat’s petition for a writ of mandamus. S.A. 1–3. For the reasons below, we vacate and remand.