Petitions / Supreme Court Activity

This post summarizes the recent activity at the Supreme Court in cases decided by the Federal Circuit.

Here are the details.

Granted Cases

There is no new activity to report.

Petition Cases

New petitions

In Andrea Lea, Arkansas State Auditor v. United States, the petitioner presented the following issues for review:

Whether the federal statute, regulations, and contractual provisions governing the transfer and redemption of United States Savings Bonds preempt the State of Arkansas from obtaining ownership of matured but unredeemed bonds through a statute providing for the escheat of title to the State.

Whether the federal statute, regulations, and contractual provisions governing the transfer and redemption of United States Savings Bonds require the United States Department of the Treasury to redeem matured savings bonds that are owned by a State pursuant to a valid judgment of escheatment but that the State cannot identify by serial number without Treasury’s assistance.

Whether the interpretation of federal law adopted by the Federal Circuit below results in an uncompensated taking of property in violation of the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause.

In Jake LaTurner, Kansas State Treasurer v. United States, the petitioner presented the following issues for review:

Whether States that have exercised their historic power to escheat title to abandoned United States savings bonds may redeem those bonds as successor owners, as the Third Circuit has concluded, or whether federal law preempts such redemption, as the Federal Circuit held below.

Whether Treasury regulations requiring presentation of a bond serial number may operate as a time bar to prevent a bond owner who has lost that serial number from ever redeeming that bond.

New Responses

In Enzo Life Sciences, Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson and Company, the United States submitted it’s brief in opposition to the petition for certiorari.

New Replies

There is no new activity to report.

Amicus Briefs

There is no new activity to report.