Kaneka Corporation v. Xiamen Kingdomway Group Company


Question(s) Presented

1. “Whether under Rule 36 of the Federal Circuit’s Rules of Procedure the Federal Circuit may affirm a judgment of non-infringement without opinion and on alternative grounds first raised by the respondents at oral argument where affirmance of the judgment depends on genuine issues of disputed material fact as to infringement identified by the district court in denial of respondents’ summary judgment and not yet determined by a jury in violation of Securities Exchange Commission v. Chenery Corp., 318 U.S. 80 (1943) and the Fifth and Seventh Amendments.”

2. “Whether under Rule 36 of the Federal Circuit’s Rules of Procedure the Federal Circuit may affirm a void stipulated judgment of non-infringement without opinion and thereby reverse without appellate jurisdiction a district court’s finding of genuine issues of disputed material fact as to infringement and reasoned denial of summary judgment in violation of Taylor v. McKeithen, 407 U.S. 191 (1972) and the Fifth and Seventh Amendments.”

3. “Whether under Rule 36 of the Federal Circuit’s Rules of Procedure the Federal Circuit may affirm judgment of non-infringement without opinion and without resolving conflicting claim constructions of two district courts and thereby prevent a patentee from enforcing its valid patents in violation ofArticle I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution, the Fifth Amendment, and Congress’ mandate that the Federal Circuit unify decisions in patent cases.”

Posts About this Case

Proceedings and Orders
October 1, 2019
Application (19A348) granted by The Chief Justice extending the time to file until January 10, 2020.
March 17, 2020
Motion (19M129) for leave to file a petition for a writ of certiorari with the supplemental appendix under seal filed.
April 1, 2020
MOTION (19M129) DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 4/17/2020.
April 20, 2020
Motion (19M129) for leave to file a petition for a writ of certiorari with the supplemental appendix under seal Granted.
April 28, 2020
DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 5/15/2020.
May 18, 2020
Petition DENIED.