Romag Fasteners, Inc. v. Fossil, Inc.


Question(s) Presented

“Whether, under section 35 of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a), willful infringement is a prerequisite for an award of an infringer’s profits for a violation of section 43(a), id. § 1125(a).”


“[W]e do not doubt that a trademark defendant’s mental state is a highly important consideration in determining whether an award of profits is appropriate. But acknowledging that much is a far cry from insisting on the inflexible precondition to recovery Fossil advances.”

Proceedings and Orders
April 4, 2019
Motion to extend the time to file a response is granted and the time is extended to and including May 22, 2019.
June 4, 2019
DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/20/2019.
June 26, 2019
DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/27/2019.
June 28, 2019
Petition GRANTED.
July 17, 2019
Joint motion to extend the time to file the briefs on the merits granted. The time to file the joint appendix and petitioner's brief on the merits is extended to and including September 13, 2019. The time to file respondents' brief on the merits is extended to and including November 26, 2019.
August 12, 2019
Blanket Consent filed by Petitioner, Romag Fasteners, Inc.
August 19, 2019
Blanket Consent filed by Respondent, Fossil, Inc., et al.
September 13, 2019
November 8, 2019
SET FOR ARGUMENT on Tuesday, January 14, 2020.
November 20, 2019
Motion to further extend the time to file respondents' brief on the merits is granted, and the time is extended to and including November 27, 2019.
November 26, 2019
December 4, 2019
The record received from the U.S.C.A. Federal Circuit is electronic and located on PACER, this record is complete.
May 26, 2020